What happened to “the village”?
We have all heard the famous saying “it takes a village to raise a child”. Well in 2024 it seems that this idea no longer exist. Young parents, primarily mothers have been faced with the reality that they are not the only demographic being hit hard by inflation. The price of EVERYTHING has increased! Thus, forcing their parents and grandparents to work well past “retirement age”. Coupled with the growing level of audacity and entitlement some younger parents have, I think its safe to say that “the village” has drastically dwindled. Older adults have come to terms with the fact that a large number of them have over extended and sacrificed themselves for their children. Now, I am not saying that parents should not help their children. However, we must be mindful that the line between helping and enabling is thin. There are far too many unwed mothers with multiple children and absent fathers. Did they not learn anything after the first pregnancy? Chances are probably not. As we all know PAIN is life’s best teacher. If a young mother is allowed to continue her life with children uninterrupted by sleepless nights, the cost of childcare, and lack of personal time, how will she grasp the concept that parenting is HARD! I charge all women to read this and strive for something greater. Children do not get a choice in deciding when, where, who, or how they are conceived. That is solely an INDIVIDUAL choice. The “village” is a support system not a cheer section for poor decision making. Everyone deserves to live a happy and full life, just not at the expense of others.