5 things that have helped me control anxiety

Stress in life is inevitable. Murphy's law states, “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” I have learned that there is absolutely no way to avoid stress. It is simply a matter of adaptation. There are five things that have helped me to cope with stress. The first is planning ahead. I typically plan my day the night before. This enables me to prioritize tasks and it promotes efficient time management. Secondly, I delegate. I simply do not waste time doing things that I can train others to do. Next is being organized. A cluttered mind is often the reflection of a cluttered space. Fourth on the list is procrastination. It has taken me years to understand that procastination is a habit. Like all habits it can be broken. Studies have shown that once a person starts a task, there is a high probability of completing the task…so just START! The last, but certainly not the least significant thing that has helped me cope with stress is ATTITUDE. Above anything else I keep a positive attitude. It is ancient wisdom that we are and will become what we think about…so think positively.

Shironda Sharpe

Wife and Mother of 3. Graduate of Clemson University and member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc.


Put yourself first.


Set yourself free